Russo Brothers Jelaskan Kenapa Baju dan Senjata Superhero Turut Lesap Dalam Babak Akhir 'Infinity War'

Avengers: Infinity War bukan sahaja melenyapkan beberapa superhero Marvel kesayangan tetapi termasuklah juga dengan pakaian mereka. Walaupun idea ini sebenarnya perkara yang cliche dalam mana-mana filem, Russo Brothers ada penjelasan sendiri kenapa pakaian dan juga senjata para superhero Infinity War turut lesap bersama.

Menurut Russo Brothers, hal ini terjadi kerana setiap objek dan juga pakaian milik superhero ialah jati diri kepada superhero terbabit. Objek dan pakaian mereka ialah sebahagian daripada mereka. Maka, itulah sebabnya ianya turut hilang bersama.
Whatever was elemental to somebody’s presence went with them.
Di dalam filem Infinity War, antara objek yang turut bersama dengan watak yang hilang ialah Cloak of Levitation yang dimiliki oleh Dr Strange. Walaupun Cloak of Levitation itu boleh dipisahkan daripada badan, ianya turut mengikut sama Dr. Strange yang menghilang.
It was always a plan to show beyond that because when we made the decision to have the snaps themselves, that's a plot trick to cut to black after an incident like that happens. And it doesn't give you any emotional resonance or catharsis. What he said thinking about it realistically; the true heartbreak doesn't lie in the fact that he snapped his fingers, it lies in the fact that people have to watch loved ones, and we have to watch characters that we care about die. And that's where the real heartbreak lies for the characters who live in the Universe and for those of us watching the movie.
Walaupun Infinity War tidak menyebut tentang watak Thanos, filem ini jelas mengisahkan tentang watak Thanos dalam usahanya untuk mendapatkan Infinity Stones.
We always knew that that would be the most profound or some of the most profound beats of the film. We wanted the story, Thanos, even though he's the villain, to follow the traditional arc of hero beats. In that you have to follow through with what he did and carry him to the ending, self-satisfied, sitting on his porch, feeling the weight of what he's done in order for him to have the completion. That's how it wraps up for us and that's why we say it's a self-contained story and that there is an ending, it's just not the ending that you're used to. And Thanos, if you track all his major beats, they tell a complete story.

Avengers: Infinity War kini sudah ditayangkan di pawagam. 

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