Luc Besson Tuduh Wartawan Sebar Berita Palsu Berkenaan 'Lucy'

Luc Besson menafikan bahawa akan ada sekuel kepada filem lakonan Scarlett Johansson, Lucy. Pengarah filem itu menyatakan bahawa berita itu ialah palsu menerusi akaun Instagramnya.

Kisah Lucy berakhir dengan watak itu bertukar menjadi 'pendrive'. Walaupun penamatnya sedikit pelik, filem tersebut mencatatkan kutipan yang berjaya dan juga meraih kritikan positif daripada pengkritik filem. Kutipan seluruh dunia filem tersebut berjumlah USD463.4 juta dari bajet produksiyang hanya berjumlah USD40 juta.

Minggu lepas, CEO EuropaCorp, Marc Shmuger mengesahkan bahawa mereka sedang berusaha untuk membina sekuel filem tersebut. Malah,Shmuger juga mendedahkan bahawa Luc Besson sudah menulis skrip hingga ke bab kedua.
Dear journalists,  
You are doing a formidable, noble and useful job. You investigate, cross the information, then you intersect it so that the truth, of which you are the spokesperson, can be heard. What an honor for you to inform, to prevent, to guide, to decipher even … But that was before. Before the Internet and your unrestrained and silly race to scoop. It does not matter if the info is right or wrong when we are the first to say anything. To the devil checks ethics or morals. Let us take up a foreign article and let us content ourselves with translating it, without perspective, without discernment. When did you lose that faith? When did you drop? We may be movies that do not please you but we apply, often for years, to serve our love and our faith. Please try to regain your dignity, your nobility, your courage. You would need so much in this difficult time. Get back from the height. Respect you.  
For info: no I do not prepare Lucy 2. Neither yesterday nor tomorrow. Yet this fake News has been around the world thanks to you …. You will say to me: “It is not very serious'” It is true, you are right … but it is “false” and normally this word should not be part of your vocabulary, because if we can no longer you believe, how do we hold a democracy? Our freedom depends on your integrity.
Walaupun Luc Besson menegaskan perihal ini di Instagramnya, perlu diketahui bahawa khabar angin berkenaan Lucy 2 bukanlah datang daripada wartawan sahaja. Ianya datang daripada studio filem tersebut sendiri. Luc Besson seharusnya bertanyakan Shmuger dahulu berkenaan sekuel tersebut sebelum menuduh wartawan.

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