Perlu Jujur Pada Karya Asal, Tiada Isu LGBT Dalam 'Doctor Strange 2' - Kevin Feige

Nampaknya, isu pengharaman filem Doctor Strange ini sudah mendapat respon daripada Presiden Marvel Studio sendiri, Kevin Feige. Terdahulu, Arab Saudi mengharamkan tayangan filem Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness selepas pihak Marvel Studios gagal memenuhi permintaan negara itu yang mahukan 12 saat dialog dipotong.

Dalam satu sidang media berkaitan filem tersebut, Kevin Feige bercakap tentang watak America Chavez dan proses adaptasinya. Dia turut menyentuh isu gender dan latar seksual watak tersebut yang menjadi isu. 

It's important, as we always say, that these films present the world as it is, and the world outside your window, as they used to say in publishing. That aspect of America's character is from the comics. We always want to adapt them as well and as truthfully as we can ... I think when people see the movie, much like it is in life, it is not any one thing that defines any one character. As Xochitl said, she's a 14-year-old girl figuring out this very traumatic element of her life, which is not the LGBTQ issue, it's the fact that she keeps being tossed around the Multiverse multiple, multiple times. Being truthful to that and showcasing that, and that is not what the movie is about, but it is an important part of the character she becomes in the comics. We wanted to touch upon that.

Di dalam komik, America Chaves mempunyai kebolehan untuk merentas antara universe yang mana menjadi antara aspek penting watak ini digunakan dalam filem ini. Kevin Feige menegaskan yang isu latar seksualnya bukanlah satu perkara penting untuk dijadikan isu.

Namun, semestinya LGBTQ bukan sesuatu yang diterima semua. Ianya sebuah budaya yang agak songsang dan tidak perlu diperbesarkan. Sepertimana Marvel mengubah latar watak-watak ketika proses adaptasi, Marvel sebenarnya boleh saja menukar latar seksual America Chavez untuk menyesuaikan dengan budaya dunia.

Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness di pawagam 4 Mei 2022.  




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